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Posted September 27, 2021 by Cedar Point

Simple Ways to Be More Eco-Friendly

Whether you decide to go green to save some extra money or to help the environment, below are some easy tips that can create big change. 

Ditch the Plastic 
With so many silicone options out there, you can easily ditch everyday items like plastic Ziplock’s. Silicone is a safe, ecofriendly, reusable alternative that keeps foods, including snacks, fresher and longer lasting. They’re also very lightweight so perfect for packing lunches. 

Meatless Mondays
Reducing your red meat intake by even one day a week has such a significant impact on your carbon footprint. Not to mention the benefits of your overall health and weekly grocery expenses. 

Switching the Lights Off
One of the most important ways to reduce your carbon footprint is with energy conservation. Shutting lights off when rooms are not in use or when there is enough daylight not only helps cut down on your hydro expenses but also leads to long term impact on environmental benefits. 

Switching to Glass 
Like silicone, glass is a great option to eliminate plastics from your lifestyle. Using a reusable glass water bottle throughout the day prevents plastic water bottle pollution that is contributing to environmental pollution. 

Whether you consider one of these options, or all, each one helps leads to a healthier lifestyle for yourself and our planet.